

Helpful Hints for Searching

Using online repositories for research can be challenging! We recommend using Boolean Operators to help narrow down your results. What follows are several useful operators to apply:

1. Use quotation marks to search for complete phrases, i.e. "Women's Army Corps".

2. Use AND to search for two words or phrases together, i.e. "Women's Army Corps" AND "Jane Doe" or marriage AND WAC.

3. Use OR to search for one word or phrase or another similar one, i.e. "Women's Army Corp" OR WAC.

For a complete list of Boolean Operators, please see "The Complete Boolean Library" by Cheyenne V. 


The archives of the Army Women’s Museum are hosted on an external site, HistoryIT.  The Army’s use of this subscription service is not an endorsement, and the Army does not endorse HistoryIT.